The Dual Small End Glove Guard® clip with the safety breakaway is for those who need a glove clip with two small ends. This variation has proven to be useful in various applications, the dual small end clip was created from requests by customers who needed a way to keep sleeve protectors in place. This is achieved by attaching the sleeve protector and shirt sleeve together. The Glove Guard® clips are the original glove clips and the only ones with a redundant safety breakaway and a proven record of reducing glove loss and hand injuries. For over 15 years the Glove Guard® clip has proved that its implementation can drastically reduce glove replacement costs and hand injuries because workers will have their gloves with them when needed. To use, simply clip one end around your belt loop or directly to your clothing and clip the other end to your gloves. The Glove Guard® clip is made of engineered grade material that holds its memory and resists flex fatigue. It is both non-conductive and non-corrosive.
Return On Investment -- ROI
1. The Use of the Glove Guard® products reduces direct and indirect costs associated with hand injuries. If personal protective equipment is available, it will be used.
2. Use of the Glove Guard® products reduces glove replacement costs and the costs associated with environmental clean-up. The safety breakaway also provides a level of reduced liability.
3. Use of the Glove Guard® products along with a company's safety program incentive combines the dollars spent with tools that actually help accomplish the safety goals.
The Glove Guard® clip has many uses outside the safety industry. Use the Glove Guard® clip to keep up with your children’s mittens and snow hats. The Glove Guard® clip has many applications in the sporting market. Anywhere you need to clip two things together, the Glove Guard® can be used. Use it while camping to hang things from tents, trees, or wherever you can clip it to. Use the Glove Guard® clips while working in the garden or to store your gloves and/or towels in the shed. Many gardeners in the south have found the Glove Guard clip and the Handi Klip™ useful in helping to cover plants in preparations for a freeze. The clips help hold the covering fabric in place while the plant cover is needed. The clips are very versatile and handy to have around.
If your clip breaks, it is a sad occasion when the safety breakaway is used, don’t throw the end pieces away! They make exceptional clips to seal bags of chips, for instance.
If you come up with different and effective ways to use the Glove Guard® and Handi Klip® clips, please let us know, and we’ll add your ideas to our “Other Uses” tab.
One of the product color options is Mixed Colors. What does Mixed Colors mean?
Our packaging team will choose a selection of colors for you for the amount you specified.
How do I know I am getting a REAL Glove Guard® clip?
Order from Kenco Distribution! We sell only the original Glove Guard® clip, and we will not substitute it with a cheaper version.
The small end clip does not have imprinting in the side, so the only way to know that you are getting a real Glove Guard® clip is to order from Kenco Distribution.
Decreasing Hand Injuries While Funding Research
According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 in every 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. With regard to hand injuries, recent reports indicated more than 25 percent of workplace accidents involve hand a finger injuries. Although improvements have been made in both aspects, so much more is needed to continue improvements and awareness.
You can help make a difference that will benefit people all around the world. By equipping your workers with pink PPE, you bring increased awareness for Breast Cancer, and encourage others to get involved. The Glove Guard® clip by Glove Guard LP has been proven and trusted by the world’s leading industries to reduce glove loss and hand injuries.
When you purchase any pink glove clips from Kenco Distribution, Glove Guard LP will donate 10% of the proceeds to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.